WinBin Dumpsters for Fall Yard Clean-Up


Winnipeg Bin & Dumpster Rentals by WinBins - 20 leaves

Lots of Leaves

Save time and hassle bagging leaves. Instead use a bucket or bin and drop the leaves in your bin. Get more done in less time and save money on bags.

Big Branches

A 20 yard WinBin dumpster is 14.5 ft long by 8.5 ft wide. Our WinBins can handle branches of all sizes. Save time cutting down branches to fit and load them in the bin. Please make sure they do stay within the bin and comply with level loads.

Grass is Green, WinBins are Blue

Do you have a large estate to cut or a condo complex? Renting a bin can save countless trips to the recycling depot or landfill. No need to bag the grass, drop it right in the bin and we’ll take care of it. We recycle all clean loads of yard waste at the Brady 4R Depot for FREE.